I H S - E T H I O P I A


Save Lives and Support Self-Reliance

Sanitation and Hygine

Sanitation and Hygine

IHS constructed 140 Communal Pit Latrines and 202 blocks of latrines in Alemwach Refugee site at Northern Gondar Funded by UNHCR in 2021and 2022 Budget Years. The construction of the communal latrines was accompanied by awareness raising training given to community leaders and other beneficiaries on how to use these sanitation facilities.

In April 2023, following the conflict between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) as of 21st May 2023, a total of 248,000 people crossed into the neighboring countries, while 26,400 people have crossed Metema Border into Ethiopia. IHS constructed Twenty three Blocks of Communal Latrines with 6 seats at Metema yohannes transit site and Kumer refugee site in Metema. Due to cholera outbreak Additional Two blocks of communal latrines is also constructed at the gendawuha hospital and CDC center in the western Gondar following the funding support made by UNHCR and SIF. These latrines started to benefit an estimate of 12,000 people accessing both public facilities.



Dignity Kits Distribution

IHS actively involved in distribution of dignity kits targeted 500 refugee women and girls getting assistance at Metema Refugee Operations. This particular project activity was conducted in collaboration with UNHCR, RRS and SIF. Subsequently, 500 Dignity kits were distributed for the total of 150 Young adolescent girls were selected from the host community with ages range from 13 -17. 

WASH NFI and Awareness program

IHS effectively managed to implement WASH component program in collaboration with SIF and UNHCR in the 2023 budget year covering the provision of hygiene kits, of which of constituted distribution of washing basins, 20L Jerry cans, multipurpose soaps, sanitary pad, liquid hair oil, underwear, and ladies dress in Metema refugee operation. In addition, the program added cholera outbreak prevention activities such as installation of hand washing basins with 240 litre capacity, creation of awareness on the prevention of outbreak and support on additional latrine construction.

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